11 Days
Walking Tours
March 15 – 25 (every year)

“The big idea from a tiny state that could change the world”  – so headlined one of the most prestigious newspapers, The Guardian / The Observer about Bhutan and its developmental program.

Bhutan,  a small kingdom,  wedged between the two of the most populated countries in the world is becoming well known among travel buffs, aficionados and the accomplished as being one of the happiest places on earth.  Though tiny, this Himalayan kingdom is  culturally a rich nation.  Infused with an  ancient religion it looks towards the future happiness for all its citizens with its unique economic growth model known as the Gross National Happiness.   From amusement to seriousness, this economic model is finally being adopted by many world class economists and is now enshrined by the United Nations (led by Bhutan) which has unanimously adopted the measure “Happiness: as a holistic approach towards a nation’s economic development.”  The UN has even declared  March 20th of each year to be designated as The International Day of Happiness.  The idea is based on Bhutan’s own growth model based on four fundamental notions of  equitable social development, cultural preservation, conservation of the environment and promotion of good governance.  A UN panel is now considering ways by which  Bhutan’s GNH model can be replicated across the globe.

And we at Bhutan Travel couldn’t be happier to welcome you to join us in the kingdom on our very special “happy tour” which will coincide with the UN’s International Day of Happiness.  In addition to taking part in whatever special functions and merriment during this time, our special tour will also focus on the several essences of the kingdom that make it so “happy” including an overnight stay at a monastery with the monks contemplating Sublime Happiness !   You will not only focus on its thousands of years of history and culture that this nation has to offer but also its very friendly people and its pristine nature.   You will get to experience the land where kindness to travellers is a sacred duty and a kingdom which still entertains fewer visitors than the  Antarctic.  The small number of visitors is restricted by the government’s regulated tariff system. This policy also ensures that every Bhutanese benefits from the income generated by tourism.   Ecologically the kingdom is a hot spot in the Himalayas where 65-73% of the land is decreed by law to be kept under forest cover.  On our special tour program you will enjoy the clean air,  pristine flora and fauna, unique architecture, staggering natural beauty and the  smiling people.  You will delve into its preserved social and cultural heritage that make this country not only an exotic destination– but a happy one.  In a land which is the only carbon negative country in the world. 

The country had banned the use of tobacco, plastic bags and logging a long time ago before it was “fashionable.”   The capital of Thimphu has no traffic lights. The kingdom still hosts the world’s highest unclimbed mountain peak in the world and plans to keep it so.  The kingdom provides for free health care and free education for all.  According to Business Week, it was the happiest country in Asia and the 8th happiest in the world.  Personally, I think it is the happiest one.  According to Conde Nast Travellers, two of the 10 friendliest cities on earth are in this tiny kingdom of Bhutan.  In 2007, Bhutan had the second fastest growing GDP in the world while at the same time maintaining its environment and cultural identity.  It made sure  that “material and spiritual development happen together.” Towards this goal, Bhutan has done an amazing job of finding this balance.  It is mystic. It is mysterious. It is magical and it’s a “must visit” country.  It is a land of contentment and it is one of the happiest places on earth !  Join us on a happy journey into the kingdom of Thunder Dragon.